Core Supplements for the Family

Core Supplements for the Family

Back-to-school season is just around the corner, bringing with it the familiar mix of excitement and preparation. Whether you’re getting young children ready for their first day, helping teens adjust to new routines, or sending college students off to campus, ensuring everyone has the right nutritional support is essential. A solid foundation of essential vitamins and minerals can make a big difference in maintaining energy, focus, and overall well-being throughout the school year.

In this blog, we’re sharing our top recommendations for year-round core nutrient support for the whole family.


Multivitamins provide a broad range of essential vitamins and minerals that may be missing from a standard diet, ensuring overall health and wellness.

Potential Benefits:

  • Young Children: May support growth, immune function, and overall development.
  • Teens/College Students: Fills nutritional gaps, and may support energy levels, and supports cognitive function.

Recommendation: Choose a multivitamin appropriate for the age group. For older kids and teens, consider a comprehensive formula that includes B-vitamins, vitamin D, and iron.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids (Fish Oil)

Omega-3s, particularly EPA and DHA, are crucial for brain health, cognitive function, and reducing inflammation.

Potential Benefits:

  • Young Children: May support brain development and vision.
  • Teens/College Students: May support cognitive function, focus, and mood regulation.

Recommendation: Look for high-quality fish oil supplements that are free from contaminants. For children, flavored liquid forms can be easier to consume. For older kids, capsules or gummies may be more convenient.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is particularly crucial for proper absorption of the minerals, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphate and zinc, and supporting overall immune function.

Potential Benefits:

  • Young Children: Supports bone growth and immune system.
  • Teens/College Students: Supports mood, bone health, and the immune system.

Recommendation: Ensure adequate sun exposure and consider supplementation, especially in the winter months. Vitamin D drops are suitable for young children, while capsules or tablets can be used for older kids and teens.

» Vitamin D3


Probiotics support a healthy gut microbiome, which is essential for digestion, immune function, and overall health.

Potential Benefits:

  • Young Children: Supports digestive health.
  • Teens/College Students: Supports immune response and aids in digestion, especially useful during stressful times.

Recommendation: Choose probiotics with multiple strains and a high CFU count. For young children, powdered forms that can be mixed with food or drinks are ideal. For older children and teens, capsules or chewables work well.

» Children’s Acidophilus Chewable


By incorporating core supplements into your daily routine, you’re not just supporting immediate health but also building a strong foundation for long-term wellness. These foundational health practices ensure that your family is equipped to thrive—both in the classroom and beyond. Here’s to a healthy, happy, and productive school year!