Supporting Sleep Challenges

Supporting Sleep Challenges

Whether it’s trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or achieving quality rest, sleep plays a crucial role in nearly every aspect of health and well-being. From managing energy levels and mood to supporting the immune system and cognitive function, restful sleep is vital for both short-term and long-term wellness.

With fall and the time change approaching, it’s a great time to reassess sleep routines. Practical lifestyle changes, improved sleep hygiene, and targeted supplements can all help support sleep quality, leading to more restful nights and refreshed mornings. Small adjustments now can pave the way for healthier, more energized days ahead.

Lifestyle Factors That May Affect Sleep

  • Stress: High stress levels can make it hard to relax, leading to difficulty falling or staying asleep.
  • Hormone Balance: Hormonal changes (e.g., menopause, thyroid issues) can disrupt sleep patterns and quality.
  • Nutrition: A poor diet, especially low in magnesium and B-vitamins, can impact sleep quality and duration.
  • Stimulants: Caffeine, nicotine, and other stimulants consumed later in the day can delay sleep onset.
  • Screen Time: Exposure to blue light from phones, tablets, or TVs before bed reduces melatonin production, making it harder to fall asleep.
  • Sleep Environment: Factors like temperature, noise, and light levels in your bedroom significantly affect sleep quality. A dark, quiet, and cool environment is ideal for restful sleep.

Sleep Hygiene Considerations

  • Prioritize Sleep
    • Set a sleep schedule including a sleep and wake up time
    • Don’t overdo it with naps
    • Set up a comfortable sleep environment; temperature, calming scents, block out light and sound
  • Set a bedtime routine
    • 30 minutes of down time before sleep
    • Dim your lights
    • Unplug from screens for 30-60 minutes before sleep
    • Try relaxation techniques

Daily Habits That May Affect Sleep

  • Sunlight/Fresh Air: Aim for at least 15-30 minutes of sunlight each day, preferably in the morning, to support your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle.
  • Exercise/Physical Activity: Aim for 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day, but try to complete workouts at least 2-3 hours before bed to avoid disrupting sleep.
  • Alcohol Consumption:  Alcohol can disrupt sleep later in night as liver enzymes process alcohol.
  • Caffeine Intake: Avoid caffeine after noon to allow your body ample time to metabolize it before bedtime.
  • Late-Night Eating: Avoid large meals and late-night snacking within 2-3 hours of bedtime for better digestion and restful sleep.
  • Stress Management: Take steps to reduce stress and/or implement techniques to deal with stress (mindfulness, meditation, or deep breathing).

Targeted Support Recommendations to Support Sleep


Top Picks

GABA Complex OR GABA Calm GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS. GABA Complex and GABA Calm are supplements are formulated to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve mood.

  • GABA Complex by Natural Creations — Available in-store
  • GABA Calm — Available online, The Apothecary Label. See Product Data Sheet for more information.

Magnesium Complex
Formulated to support various aspects of health by providing essential magnesium in multiple forms. Magnesium is a critical mineral that supports over 300 biochemical processes in the body, including those involved in muscle function, energy production, nerve signaling, and cardiovascular health.

  • Magnesium Complex by Natural Creations — Available in-store

CBD products are increasingly popular for supporting relaxation and sleep quality. We have a few brand and product options in-store.

  • Tinctures offer quick onset and customizable dosing
  • Gummies/capsules have slower onset, but may provide more long-lasting effects
  • Topicals may include relaxing ingredients that support tension and promote sleep, especially for those with muscle discomfort

Sleep Perfect Formula
Formulated to provide an innovative blend of nutrients that promote soothing and restful sleep as needed. The non-habit-forming ingredients were specifically chosen to promote healthy circadian rhythms and help relax tense muscles. Sleep Perfect Formula — Available online, The Apothecary Label. See Product Data Sheet.

If you are looking for supplements or vitamins to complement your health goals, we offer a large selection of over-the-counter items—vitamins, homeopathics, botanicals, nutraceuticals, chemical-free skin care products, and natural cosmetics. Our team is happy to help with recommendations or questions you have about nutritional supplements to support your health goals. We have put together some common targeted support supplements on our website. Visit the “Targeted Support Recommendations” button to access the different categories of targeted support recommendations. Feel free to stop in or give one of our pharmacists a call at The Apothecary 320-251-0107. Note: Mail-order shipping cost varies by order.